Saturday, March 20, 2010

BIAH Blogger Bracket Challenge: Day 2

We know that every living breathing organism on the planet has drafted up a bracket this week and we here at BIAH thought it would be interesting to see just how smart the blogosphere and related media experts are. We invited a handful of the brainiest college hoops brains to take part in our first ever BIAH Blogger Bracket Challenge.

After every session we wil update you, our faithful readers, with a top-5 and a not-so-top-5, so you can see just how smart/dumb we are.

Here is where we stand after day 2:

There isn't a huge difference between the top and the bottom of our list, but a few people banked on Georgetown making to Indianapolis. That will surely comeback to haunt a few participants.

Top 5

1. Boiled Sports - J. Money - 25/32
1. BleacherReportTimC, T. Cary - 25/32
3. zhayes9 - Z. Hayes - 24/32
3. AnchorOfGold - A. Webb IV 24/32
3. SearchingForBillyEdelin - N. Fasulo - 24/32

Bottom 5

23. TC-TomahawkNation - M. Haupt - 20/32
23. MarchToMadnessAndCo 1 - G.W. - 20/32
23. Boise State FTW - K. Lee - 20/32
23. RTMSF 1 - R. McClure - 20/32
29. WBroncos_Rule 1 - R. Butler - 19/32

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