Monday, October 4, 2010

Two St. Louis Billikens facing a potential suspension over an alleged sexual assault

The alleged sexual assault coming out of East Lansing is the one dominating the headlines, but for hoops fans, another story to keep an eye on is developing in St. Louis.

In an eerily similar situation, two unnamed Billiken basketball players were accused of sexual assault last spring. But like the Michigan State situation, there was not enough evidence for the Circuit Attorney's office to pursue charges.

The school itself, however, has a different burden of proof. This report states that the university's committee on student conduct (which includes faculty, staff, and students) has already handed down a punishment to the players, which may be a year's suspension from St. Louis. The players have appealed the ruling.

If the two players were to get suspended, it would be a tough break for the Billikens. Depending on who it is, this could be a huge blow to a team that is expected to make a run at an NCAA Tournament bid this season.

There's no indication of which players are involved. But regardless of who they are, if they did, in fact, sexually assault this girl they probably deserve to be suspended for more than one year. That said, with the publicity this case is sure to garner if the suspension is handed down, the school better be absolutely certain that these two young men committed this crime.

If the allegations are true, what happened to that young woman is horrific; something I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy. But if the school has it wrong and suspends these tow young men for a crime the didn't commit, then they are ruining lives that don't deserve to be ruined. Their free education would be out the window, and any potential employer that googled their name would immediately see the accusations and the suspension.

That's why the burden of proof is so high for our court system.

Let's hope St. Louis gets it right.

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