Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Dee Bost's argument: I'm a moron

Yesterday, we talked briefly about how Dee Bost was applying for reinstatement after keeping his name in the NBA Draft passed the May 8th deadline to return to school.

Today, we found out his reasoning: he didn't know that the rule had changed, which is, in a word, ludicrous. The NCAA announced this change publicly, and created quite an outcry. Much was written about the rule change when it happened last summer, and even more words were dedicated to the change in the days leading up to the deadline.

Mississippi State will likely still need a replacement for Bost.
(photo credit: daylife)

And should I mention that Ravern Johnson, a teammate of Bost's at Mississippi State, entered the draft as well this year, and pulled his name out in time to return to school?

Clearly, Johnson was aware of the rule.

The only way that I can see Bost being unaware of this rule is if he completely disregarded and ignored anything that the Mississippi State coaching staff said to him once the season ended. I guess this is actually a possibility, seeing as Bost didn't even let Rick Stansbury know he had kept his name in the draft until the day after the deadline.

And if that is/was the case, is that the kind of player you want on your roster even if Bost is given a waiver by the NCAA?

The May 8th deadline is a horrific rule. Given kids just over a week to make one of the biggest decisions of their lives -- and not allowing them a basis to make an informed decision, i.e. the difficulty in landing workouts during that time frame -- is a horrendous move that was made to appease coaches.

But regardless of how I, you, or Dee Bost feel about the new rule, its still the rule.

And I find it highly unlikely that the NCAA will grant him a waiver for simply saying "I'm sorry NCAA, I didn't know I couldn't do that".

1 comment:

Troy Machir said...

+10,000,000 for the Chappelle reference. Best.Stand-up.Ever.