Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Cancun Challenge: Ballroom ... ballin'?

Did anyone get a chance to watch any of the games from the Cancun Challenge?

If the games happened to be televised in your area, did you happen to notice anything weird about the "gym" they were in?

Like, that it wasn't actually a gym?

Take a look at these pictures, courtesy of Kentucky Sports Radio:

Yea, that's a ballroom.

The Cancun Challenge is being played in a ballroom, complete with chandeliers and tacky wallpaper. As you could imagine, the floor, which was floor in from the Boston Garden, is not in quite the same shape. Just ask Patrick Patterson and John Calipari:

"It's a floor, at least," Patrick Patterson said. "There are cracks in the floor, spacing missing, parts in the floor where it dips in and makes a 'V' shape all the way down the floor. We were dribbling the other day and balls were going left and right. John (Wall) lost a couple balls. A couple teammates tripped on the court cause of the cracks. The court is in pretty bad shape, but it's still a basketball court."

"It doesn't make sense," Patterson said. "We walked in there were chandeliers on the ceiling. Someone said, 'Make sure you don’t shoot the ball so high.' I was like, 'That's so crazy.'"

"[The locker room is] just a small ballroom," he said. "I figured we would have a basketball court and a real lockerroom but this is what the resort does for us."

"There is a little seam," he said. "Balls are gonna fly. . . . There is a gap in front of our bench you could sprain your ankle. There is a gap about three inches,and I said you could lose your foot down there. So, there are some dead spots in the floor.

"It's a ballroom. You're playing in a ballroom. We go from 24,000 to playing in a ballroom. Which is fine. The good news is the other team is playing on in a ballroom on the same floor too."
This is a major college basketball tournament.

There isn't any other gym in the vicinity of Cancun that can be used and is, you know, an actual gym? A real basketball court that doesn't have to, you know be imported?

Let's just hope it didn't play a factor in Patrick Patterson's ankle injury.

1 comment:

Troy Machir said...

it looks like they hung the scoreboard from two chandeliers.

I never thought I would ever see the words "scoreboard" and "chandelier" in the same sentence.